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Cuts, bumps, and bruises salve

Cuts, bumps, and bruises salve

Regular price $7.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.00 USD
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Cuts bumps and bruises! Oh my!
We are so excited to share this product. Why? Well she is packed with amazing herbs, and who doesn’t want a more natural version of an antibiotic to have on hand.
Okay about this cute little salve. It has comfrey, calendula,oregano,yarrow, beeswax, vitamin e,tea tree, lavender essential oil in it.
Before I dive into these herbs, please don’t forget that
This product is not regulated by the FDA, this listing is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease, always check with your provider before using any of these products or essential oils if you are pregnant,taking medication or have a medical condition. PLEASE Check ingredient listing for known allergens.
Okay, now to the fun stuff.

First up,
Comfrey is good for pain and inflammation. It has been known to help heal minor wounds. The anti inflammatory properties are what can help in decreasing bruising. “In a study of people with acute ankle sprains, topical application of an ointment four times a day containing a comfrey extract was at least as effective as, and possibly more effective than, a topically applied anti-inflammatory drug (diclofenac).” I could go on about so much more. This herb is insanely wonderful and I am happy we added it to our salve.

Due to the styptic and anti microbial properties, yarrow has been known for its ability to help stop bleeding (when applied directly to a minor wound) and help prevent with infection it can help relieve pain and aid in healing of wounds. It can also help reduce inflammation.

Another herb known for its anti inflammatory and anti fungal properties

One of my favorite herbs. Calendula is great to use for rashes, psoriasis, eczema, anti inflammatory,anti-viral, anti-fungal, antibacterial
All of these herbs work together to help with issues that might make you reach for a bottle of antibiotic ointment.
1 oz $5

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