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Wild Willow Farm

Elderberry Syrup kit

Elderberry Syrup kit

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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We are big believers in elderberry syrup, especially during the cold and flu seasons. This year we have added, rose hips, along with some other spices that are beneficial to the body and immune system. Help support your immune system this season. I have simplified making elderberry syrup at home with this little kit. The only thing you’ll need which is optional is raw honey or you can add maple syrup to taste. The honey has so many wonderful benefits that, but also acts as a natural preservative. Without adding honey this will only last for a few weeks in the fridge. Adding honey will let this last at least three months.

another option you can do is after you have made your syrup, you can pour in an ice cube tray and freeze, then pop them into a little bag and store them in the freezer until you are ready to use them.

This batch should make roughly about 4 to 4 1/2 cups when all finished. 🫶🏼

recommended dosage is 1 tablespoon for adults a day, or you can take 3 tablespoons throughout the day during sickness

children we recommend 1 to 2 teaspoons a day, but please remember that it is not recommended for children to consume honey under the age of one

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