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Herbal nipple butter

Herbal nipple butter

Regular price $11.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.00 USD
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Say hello to your new -breast friend 😌 our herbal infused nipple butter.
I breastfed both my daughter, and our son. Both of my kids had lip and tongue ties which caused poor latching, and that tore up my nipples, bad. Using a cream was apart of my breastfeeding routine. So It only seemed fitting that we create a cream to help sooth those dry and cracked nipples that are working so hard to help provide food for your little one. Made with marshmallow root, calendula, and lavender infused in coconut oil, shea butter and a small amount of beeswax. I have been loving this cream and I hope you do to. This is also wonderful to use as an all over cream as well as the herbs help support dry irritated skin.

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